Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Even the admins think we should sleep in

In an email I returned to from one of the faculty:

"Much of what you will participate in during June 11-13th is mandatory and less than helpful regarding 'preparation' for being a third year student. Unfortunately, there is no way around the mandatory components."

Thank you administration. We really appreciate sitting through 3 days of "less than helpful."

First day of orientation, and I'm already late but still blogging...

Monday, June 2, 2008

How am I supposed to remember THAT?

The "young" kids in med school have it easy -- they read something a few times, and it sticks. Thank goodness I found a study group for Pharm with memorization blockages like mine. We "old" folks ended up coming up with some pretty creative ways to remember the slew of information thrown at us. Not only do our silly stories stick, but they make me grin whenever I run into the drugs.

Here's a sample:

- Cisplatin (Chemo drug): Keeps your balls from going splat
- Cyclophosphamide (Hodkins drug): Cyclo, like the wheels on the Cadillac of cancers
- Grisefulvin (Antifungal): Greasy men get fungal infections
- Leuprolide (GnRH agonist): Given in loops to mimic cyclical GnRH action
- Ranitidine (Ulcer drug): H2 antagonist, so it's ranting "You suck H2! You're no good!" (M-squared came up with that one, and of course when he does it, Ranitidine talks in a very high falsetto)
- Sildenafil (Viagra): Works via cGMP on your "G"onads

So if you happen to be sitting in Prometric tomorrow and notice someone taking the Step 1 and grinning like an idiot, you'll know what I'm thinking: "You're not good, H2!"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The theme of the week is clearly vanity

Between the white coat shopping and the ID photo trauma, there's no getting around my focus this week. Maybe obsessing over my appearance is helping me keep from obsessing over the boards?

It's true, though: I am very, very vain. I can make excuses all I want about how appearances matter and how there's not much else for a patient to judge a med student on in our 15 minute interactions (attending and residents will, I hope, judge us all on something else; hence the obsessive board study.) But let's be honest -- I'd be vain if I were working in a lab with nothing but microscopes to look back at me.

Sometimes I think it must be left over from a life spent mostly on stages. Though I've chosen medicine as a career, it's only really been 4 years that I've had my sights set on the M.D. (compared with 20 that I spent performing in some capacity or another.) In fact, I supported the first chunk of my pre-med education working at a bar where my tips came pretty much solely from that fact that our patrons liked looking at me (they certainly weren't paying me for my undrinkable Long Island Ice Teas.)

M-squared doesn't help either (love ya babe.) He teases me, sure, but he's almost as image conscious as I am (again, a life spent on stages.) I mean, what other couple do you know stands in from of mirrors in their underwear discussing what parts of their bodies they should work on at the gym? And isn't even remotely offended by the other's suggestions?

Of course, like any other pathology, vanity is only a problem if it starts interfering with your life. But even if I decide I'm spending too much time obsessing over my reflection, is there a cure? A pill? A detox program? A Narcissus Anonymous group? How do you beat back the vain?